Learning to invest starts with you. You make to make up your mind, that you are worth the time and effort it takes.
Allow me to serve you. At your school, church, or even business event.
Sharon D Parry is a Housing Strategist and financial educator. She is also a christian, registered nurse and mom. Sha was a person who loved others much more than she did herself.
Leading the future of housing and wealth building
Even if you think you don't earn enough, I can prove you wrong.
SDP believes everyone who wants a home should have the opportunity to attain one.
Check out our family store for custom merchandise.
We offer support on your new road to succes.
Go at your own pace. Remember you've learned general poverty and it takes time to reprogram the way you handle money.
SDP specialize in persons who believe they can not save.
From banking and basic financial principles, wealth building is feasible.
We help each other to build wealth. No one person knows it all. As a team, we can create change.